Pos: 48.99.30 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/N etzbi ndung_nur Ausführ ung N etzbindung ab 17 18/Hi nweis zu Netzbi ndung_Aug en in der Abbildung_Verweis auf Bindematerial bremse @ 513\mod_1503480884657_78.docx @ 3530043 @ @ 1
The lug symbols in the picture indicate important points where you need to proceed differently
when inserting a net than when inserting a film.
– For net wrapping, the clamping lever (12) must touch and guide the net roll (1). To this
end, the wrapping material brake must be set, see chapter Settings, "Setting the wrapping
material brake".
Pos: 48.99.31 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/F-J/F /Foli e einl egen @ 75\mod_1309262337743_78.docx @ 660953 @ 3 @ 1
Inserting Sheet
Pos: 48.99.32 /BA/Sicher hei t/7. Gefahrenhinweise alt/Rundballenpresse/Warnung M esser N etz ei nlegen CF /CV @ 308 \mod_1416899786255_78.docx @ 2390286 @ @ 1
WARNING! - Risk of Cuts Due to Sharp Cutters!
Serious injuries; especially to hands.
• Wear protective gloves when working in the area of the blades and the blade bar
• Wear also protective gloves when threading in or removing the net
Pos: 48.99.33 /Bei packs/R undball enpressen/F olienbindung/M odulgruppen Foli e einl egen / LED Lichtleiste/Hi nwei se: KR ONE Foli e ver wenden @ 514\mod_1504087278849_78.docx @ 3534636 @ @ 1
For trouble-free use in the field, KRONE recommends one of the "KRONE excellent" films, see
label at the machine with the number 27 018 640 *.
Pos: 48.99.34 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/N etz- und F olienbi ndung_Ausführung N etz- und F olienbindung ab 17 18/Ter mi nal Foli enbindung ausgewählt_Vor aussetzung @ 513\mod_1503648472794_78.docx @ 3532641 @ @ 1
– Chamber film wrapping has been selected, see chapter Terminal – Menus, Menu 8 "Tying
type selection".
Pos: 48.99.35 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/Foli enbindung/N etz- oder F olienroll e einl egen_N etzschwi nge nach vorn fahren_bil d F olienbi ndung_alle C ompri ma @ 513\mod_1503480293996_78.docx @ 3530011 @ @ 1
Fig. 137
Pos: 48.99.36 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/Foli enbindung/F olie/Netz einl egen_N etzschwi nge nach vorn fahren_text_all e C ompri ma @ 513\mod_1503054736596_78.docx @ 3509463 @ @ 1
• Move the feed rocker arm (3) with the terminal forward until the distance dimension
between the pressure axis covered in red foam wadding (2) and the deflection roll (1) is
approximately 5 cm, see chapter Terminal – Menus, "Menu 10, 'Manual operation'".
Pos: 48.99.37 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1