Table of Contents
Pos: 1 /BA/Konfor mitätser kl ärungen/Rundballenpressen/C ompri ma F/V XC_R P025 @ 505\mod_1499262432702_78.docx @ 3475186 @ @ 1
EC Declaration of Conformity
Maschinenfabrik Krone Beteiligungs-GmbH
Heinrich-Krone-Str. 10, D-48480 Spelle
hereby declare as manufacturer of the product named below, on our sole responsibility,
that the
Round Baler
RP701-10, RP701-11,
RP701-20, RP701-21,
RP701-30, RP701-31,
RP701-40, RP701-41,
to which this declaration refers is in compliance with the following relevant provisions of:
EC Directive 2006/42/CE (machines),
EU Directive 2014/30/EU (EMC).
Within the meaning of the Directive the
harmonised standard EN ISO 14982:2009 was taken as a basis.
The signing Managing Director is authorised to compile the technical documents.
Spelle, 01.08.2017
Dr.-Ing. Josef Horstmann
(Managing Director, Design & Development)
Year of manufacture:
Machine no.:
Pos: 2 /Layout Modul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1