Pos: 48.84 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/A-E/E/Einstell ung der Ballendurchmesser anzeige (Comprima V 150 ( XC) / V 180 ( XC) / V 210 XC) (M edi um) @ 364\mod_1440426892310_78.docx @ 2677766 @ 3 @ 1
Setting of Bale Diameter Display (Comprima V 150 (XC) / V 180 (XC) / V 210 XC) (Medium
Pos: 48.85 /WH B/Grundei nstellungen/Rundballenpresse/Einstell ung der Ballendurchmesser anzeige (COMPR IMA V150 / V180) (Medi um) @ 346\mod_1435065971680_78.docx @ 2611656 @ @ 1
Fig. 116
The cable (1) on right-hand and left-hand machine side is used to set both diameter displays on
the right-hand machine side.
Dimension “Y" must be the same on both sides.
• If the bale chamber is empty and the tailgate is closed and locked, the indicators should be
lifted somewhat away from the stop (2) (cable is under tension).
• The cable length can be adjusted on the threaded piece (3).
• Make certain the rocker arm (4) rests on the stop (5) (relieve the bale formation conveyor, if
• The bale chamber must be closed and empty.
Basic setting:
X= 30 mm
Pos: 48.86 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1