Pos: 48.99.44 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/N etz- und F olienbi ndung_Ausführung N etz- und F olienbindung ab 17 18/Hinweis zu F olienbindung_Augen in der Abbildung _Ver weis auf Bi ndemateri albremse @ 513\mod_1503481005959_78.docx @ 3530075 @ @ 1
The lug symbols in the picture indicate important points where you need to proceed differently
when inserting a film than when inserting a net.
– In case of chamber film wrapping, the clamping lever (12) must not touch the film roll (1).
To this end, the clamping lever must be set, see chapter Settings, "Locking/releasing the
clamping lever".
Pos: 48.99.45 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/A- E/A/Anzahl der N etz- oder F olienlag en ei nstellen @ 513\mod_1503408490607_78.docx @ 3529676 @ 3 @ 1
Setting the number of net or film layers
Pos: 48.99.46 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/N etz- und F olienbi ndung_Ausführung N etz- und F olienbindung ab 17 18/Anzahl der N etz- oder F olienlag en ei nstellen si ehe Kapitel T er minal @ 513\mod_1503408661118_78.docx @ 3529708 @ @ 1
The number of net or film layers is set at the terminal, see chapter Terminal – Menus, "Menu 1,
number of net layers" or "Menu 1, number of film layers".
Pos: 48.99.47 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/F-J/H/Hi nweise zum Betrieb mit F olienbi ndung @ 507\mod_1500467855603_78.docx @ 3487367 @ 3 @ 1
Notes on operation with chamber film wrapping
Pos: 48.99.48 /Bei packs/R undball enpressen/F olienbindung/M odulgruppen Foli e einl egen / LED Lichtleiste/Beschreibung: Hinweise zum Betrieb F olienbi ndung 1_all e C ompri ma @ 507\mod_1500467943576_78.docx @ 3487398 @ @ 1
– When chamber film wrapping starts, it is necessary to continue collecting crop until the film
is caught by the round bale and the film roll is turning.
– For initial commissioning, a complete net roll should be used up if possible, and the round
bales should be tied with net. This way provides for previous removal of any sharp edges or
paint residues.
– If it is not possible to use net first for tying, any sharp edges must be removed manually,
see chapter "Removing paint and welding residues before commissioning".
– KRONE recommend not to use chamber film wrapping for straw bales to avoid the danger
of risk of condensation and resulting formation of mould.
– Have the machine tie the round bale with the appropriate film stretching, see chapter
"Checking the stretching of the inserted film".
– KRONE recommend 3.5 - 4 film layers for optimum chamber film wrapping, see chapter
"Number of film layers". The dryer the crops, the more film layers will be required.
– A machine with chamber film wrapping can still tie round bales with net. Please note that
the route of the net in the tying unit is different than the route of the film. Furthermore,
different settings are required for the wrapping material brake and the clamping lever, see
chapter Settings, "Setting the wrapping material brake" and "Locking/releasing the clamping
Pos: 48.99.49 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1