Pos: 48.15 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllenBallenkammer befüll en @ 55\mod_1294145026250_78.docx @ 526912 @ 2 @ 1
Filling the bale chamber
Fig. 96
To attain a consistent bale density inside a round bale, the bale chamber should be filled
evenly. The swath width is an important factor here.
The swath width is optimal if the swath has exactly the same width as the bale chamber.
If the swath is wider than this, distortion of the round bales may result. The round bale will be
frayed on the sides and difficult to eject from the bale chamber.
If the swath is narrow, the bale chamber can be filled evenly only by driving onto the swath from
alternate sides (left/right). Do not zigzag: drive long distances on the left and right side of the
swath as shown in the illustration. Too frequent changes and uneven filling of the bale chamber
will produce barrel-shaped round bales and uneven bale density.
The reached diameter can be read off the monitor of the operation terminal.
Pos: 48.16 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Pr essdruck einstellenerreichter Pr essdruck @ 158 \mod_1364469090060_78.docx @ 1390690 @ @ 1
The baling pressure that is reached can be read on the baling pressure indicator on the left side
of the machine.
Overloading the machine with bales that are too tight or too large can result in serious damage
to the machine. The machine has a mechanism that triggers forced tying automatically in case
of overload. Each forced tying is automatically documented.
Pos: 48.17 /Abkürzungen /Abkürzung en spr achneutral/R undballenpr essen/Comprima V @ 256\mod_1397714229979_0.docx @ 1962670 @ @ 1
Comprima V
Pos: 48.18 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllenHinweis Ball enkammer b efüllen nur Ulti ma @ 316\mod_1422525068841_78.docx @ 2445763 @ @ 1
Barrel-shaped round bales can cause damage to the floor conveyor. Distorted and thick round
bales are detrimental to proper silage production.
Pos: 48.19 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1