Keysight InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series and EDUX1052A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Mask Testing
• Oscilloscope Setup Information.
Mask File Identifier
The Mask File Identifier is MASK_FILE_548XX.
Mask Title
The Mask Title is a string of ASCII characters. Example: autoMask CH1 OCT 03
09:40:26 2008
When a mask file contains the keyword "autoMask" in the title, the edge of the
mask is passing by definition. Otherwise, the edge of the mask is defined as a
Mask Violation
Up to 8 regions can be defined for a mask. They can be numbered 1-8. They can
appear in any order in the .msk file. The numbering of the regions must go from
top to bottom, left to right.
An Automask file contains two special regions: the region "glued" to the top of the
display, and the region that is "glued" to the bottom. The top region is indicated by
y-values of "MAX" for the first and last points. The bottom region is indicated by
y-values of "MIN" for the first and last points.
The top region must be the lowest numbered region in the file. The bottom region
must be the highest numbered region in the file.
Region number 1 is the top mask region. The vertices in Region 1 describe points
along a line; that line is the bottom edge of the top portion of the mask.
Region 1
Region 2