Keysight InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series and EDUX1052A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Counter / 169
+ Width / 169
– Width / 169
Bit Rate / 169
Duty Cycle / 170
Rise Time / 170
Fall Time / 170
Delay / 170
Phase / 171
X at Min Y / 173
X at Max Y / 173
Positive Pulse Count / 174
Negative Pulse Count / 174
Rising Edge Count / 175
Falling Edges Count / 175
Measurement Thresholds / 175
Measurement Window with Zoom Display / 177
To create a mask from a "golden" waveform (Automask) / 179
Mask Test Setup Options / 182
Mask Statistics / 184
To manually modify a mask file / 185
Building a Mask File / 188