Keysight InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series and EDUX1052A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
The InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series oscilloscopes have an integrated hardware
frequency counter which counts the number of cycles that occur within a period of
time (known as the gate time) to measure the frequency of a signal.
The gate time for the Counter measurement is automatically adjusted to be
100 ms or twice the current time window, whichever is longer, up to 1 second.
The Counter can measure frequencies up to the bandwidth of the oscilloscope.
The minimum frequency supported is 1/(2 X gate time).
The hardware counter uses the trigger comparator output. Therefore, the counted
channel's trigger level (or threshold for digital channels) must be set correctly. The
Y cursor shows the threshold level used in the measurement.
Analog and Ext Trig channels can be selected as the source. On 4-channel
oscilloscope models, you must set up an edge trigger on the EXT TRIG input
before it can be selected as the counter source.
Only one Counter measurement can be displayed at a time.
+ Width
+ Width
is the time from the middle threshold of the rising edge to the middle
threshold of the next falling edge. The X cursors show the pulse being measured.
The Y cursor shows the middle threshold point.
– Width
– Width
is the time from the middle threshold of the falling edge to the middle
threshold of the next rising edge. The X cursors show the pulse being measured.
The Y cursor shows the middle threshold point.
Bit Rate
The bit rate measurement measures all positive and negative pulse widths on the
waveform, takes the minimum value found of either width type and inverts that
minimum width to give a value in Hertz.