Keysight InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series and EDUX1052A/G Oscilloscopes User's Guide
To adjust the horizontal (time/div) scale / 38
To adjust the horizontal delay (position) / 39
Panning and Zooming Single or Stopped Acquisitions / 40
To change the horizontal time mode (Normal, XY, or Roll) / 40
To display the zoomed time base / 44
To change the horizontal scale knob's coarse/fine adjustment
To position the time reference (left, center, right) / 46
To turn waveforms on or off (channel or math) / 49
To adjust the vertical scale / 49
To adjust the vertical position / 49
To specify channel coupling / 50
To specify bandwidth limiting / 50
To change the vertical scale knob's coarse/fine adjustment
To invert a waveform / 51
Setting Analog Channel Probe Options / 51
To specify the channel units / 52
To specify the probe attenuation / 52
To specify the probe skew / 53