Appendix C: BMC Sensor Tables
Intel® Server Board S2600CW Family TPS
Revision 2.4
readable. Readable offsets consist of the reading type offsets that do not generate
Event Data
Event data is the data that is included in an event message generated by the associated
sensor. For threshold-based sensors, these abbreviations are used:
R: Reading value
T: Threshold value
Rearm Sensors
The rearm is a request for the event status for a sensor to be rechecked and updated
upon a transition between good and bad states. Rearming the sensors can be done
manually or automatically. This column indicates the type supported by the sensor.
The following abbreviations are used in the comment column to describe a sensor:
A: Auto-rearm
M: Manual rearm
I: Rearm by init agent
Default Hysteresis
The hysteresis setting applies to all thresholds of the sensor. This column provides the
count of hysteresis for the sensor, which can be 1 or 2 (positive or negative hysteresis).
Criticality is a classification of the severity and nature of the condition. It also controls
the behavior of the front panel status LED.
Some sensors operate on standby power. These sensors may be accessed and/or
generate events when the main (system) power is off, but AC power is present.