Phone: 866-865-5250 Email: [email protected] Web: www.bosanova.net
Phone: +44 1509 276252 Email: [email protected]
The RBT-416 delivers on the promise of increased
performance in a compact package. Assembled in the USA,
this unit weighs only 1.4 lbs allowing you flexible mounting
options and lower shipping costs. The robust, fan-less
construction allows for quiet and reliable operation.
The BOSaNOVA RBT-416 includes a full array of
embedded programs such as the full-featured Microsoft
Internet Explorer, Office Viewers, Shockwave Version 10,
Flash Player and Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 7
or Citrix Specific Image ‘5416C’.
Windows XP Embedded operating system with VIA Eden
400MHz processor
PCI compliant embedded TN5250e based terminal
emulation software for connection to IBM iSeries (AS/400)
including display, printing with Host Explorer
, SQL-
based data transfer and Morph Express TM GUI.
Small form factor for space-saving, desktop and mounted
Connections to Windows Terminal Servers and Citrix
servers using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Citrix
Web Client, or Citrix Access Client
Internal 802.11 b/g wireless WEP and WPA ready.
Additonal encryption support upon request (WPA2).
Embedded full-featured Internet Explorer 6 SP2** (7
available upon request) browser with Sun JVM.
Optional VDI clients available - VMware, Provision
Networks, Leostream, XenDesktop, and Ericom.
Centralized configuration, management, and security via
the BOSaNOVA Remote Manager for low Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO)
T h e R B T - 4 1 6 T h i n C l i e n t
Faster, Smaller, Cooler
Enterprise Class Remote Administration
The BOSaNOVA Remote Manager, an integral
part of the RBT-416, enables quick and easy
installation, upgrade, and user/group
Some of the features include:
5250 emulations can be centrally defined
and pushed down to the thin client.
Devices can be subdivided into groups
based on IP ranges for easier management
of large installations.
Ability to remote enable or disable write
protection, as well as committing cached
changes to disk when write protection is
Capable of cloning post deployment software
Compatible with standard Windows
administration interface.
* Shown with Optional Internal Wirelesss