ICP DAS WISE User Manual
Figure 8-9
Receive messages in JSON format of Amazon Web Services
If the user selects “User-Defined Data” in “Message Type” field, the
interface will be converted to free-style editing mode, and user can edit
the Topic for the subscribe message by himself. He can also set the
“Message Format” to “String” or “JSON” to parse the received
message content and provided for use by logic rules.
After complete all settings on Amazon Web Services Setting Page,
please click “Save” button to save the setting. After downloading the
setting to WISE, WISE will initiate the connection to Amazon Web
Services, and start the Publish Message/Subscribe Message mechanism
with Amazon Web Services.
8.2 Microsoft Azure Platform Setting
On the Microsoft Azure Setting page, the connection to Microsoft Azure
IoT Cloud Platform can be built if required. The setting page is shown as