ICP DAS WISE User Manual
as follow:
Figure 10-31
Internal Register condition setting page
Follow the steps below:
Select the Internal Register that you are going to use the value as
evaluation criteria for IF condition statement. Specify the data source
of the Internal Register from the dropdown list of “Source” field. The
“Local” mean the Internal Register is from the Host controller
(WISE). The “Remote” mean the Internal Register is from the others
remote WISE-71xx controller.
Specify the number of Internal Register from the dropdown list of
“No.” field.
Specify the bit index of the Internal Register from the dropdown list
of “Bit” field if required. “Disable” in “Bit” field mean user disable
the bit operation, and use Internal Register value for operation.
Set up the expression statement for this Internal Register value. Select
an operator from “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=” or “<=”.
Specify the evaluation value. If this Internal Register value match the
evaluation criteria, the result of this condition evaluation will be
“true”. WISE provides 12 values options; you can compare them with
the Internal Register value for condition evaluation. Please refer to
” for detail.
Click “OK” button to confirm the settings and return to the Rule
settings page.
10.1.14 Rule Status
The Rule Status (if the Rule is disabled or enabled) can be used as
evaluation criteria for IF condition statement.
Please note: there must be at
least one edited rule on WSIE for setting up Rule Status in the IF Condition
Setting page
. The editing page for Rule Status Condition Setting is shown
as below: