ICP DAS WISE User Manual
10.1.1 ICP DAS Module
Click on ICP DAS I/O Module, 6 options will appear as the following: DI,
DI Counter, DO, DO Counter, AI, and AO. DI
DI channel value from ICP DAS I/O Module can be used as
evaluation criteria for IF condition statement; the setting page for DI
Condition Setting is shown as below:
Figure 10-3
DI condition setting page
Follow the steps below:
Specify the module and the channel from the dropdown list of
the “Module & Channel” section that you are going to include
its value in the IF condition statements.
Define the evaluation criteria of the status in IF statement to be
“OFF”, “ON”, “ON to OFF”, “OFF to ON” or “Change”. Once
the DI channel value matches the evaluation criteria, the result
of this condition evaluation will be “true”.
Please note: If the
statement involves state transitions: “ON to OFF”, “OFF to
ON” and “Change”, the action will be executed only once and
only at the moment when the state transition occurs.
Click “OK” button to confirm the settings and return to the Rule
settings page. DI Counter
DI counter value from ICP DAS I/O Module can be used as
evaluation criteria for IF condition statement; the editing page for DI
Counter Condition Setting is shown as follow: