ICP DAS WISE User Manual
If the user selects “User-Defined Data” in “Message Type” field, the
interface will be changed to free-style editing mode. So the user can
edit the content of the message by himself via the editor. The interface
is shown as below.
Figure 8-7
“User-Defined Data” Setting Page of Amazon Web Services
In the “Auto Publish” field, there are two options: “When the I/O
channel data changed and the variation exceeds xxx” and “Periodical
Publish”. If the “When the I/O channel data changed and the variation
exceeds xxx” is selected, the user must assign a evaluation value, then
the system will automatically publish the message when the I/O
channel value is changed and exceeds the evaluation value (This option
only support “Channel Data” setting in “Message Type”). If the user
selects “Periodical Publish”, it means the message will be published at
periodic time schedule based on the value in “Periodical Publish
Interval” field at Step vi.