ICP DAS WISE User Manual
Figure 6-4
XV-Board DO Channel Setting Page
The settings are as follow:
Nickname: For user to define nicknames for each I/O channel,
these nicknames will be displayed on the “Channel Status” and
“Rule Setting” pages.
Power On Value: Specify the initial status to be “ON” or to be
“OFF” when WISE power on. Select the value from the
dropdown list of “Power On Value” field. The default value is
WISE provides 3 advanced functions, select the function from
the dropdown list:
Pulse Output: If the Pulse Output is selected, it will allow
this DO channel to perform pulse output and form a periodic
pulse cycle. In Pulse Output mode, the selected DO channel
will generate a square wave according to specified
parameters (Pulse High and Pulse Low). Pulse High
indicates the “ON” time duration and Pulse Low indicates
the “OFF” time duration in a periodic Pulse cycle. The unit is
Auto OFF: When “Auto OFF” is selected, it allows this DO
channel to enable Auto OFF function. It is required to set up
a time interval, when this DO channel is set to be “ON” and
the duration of the ON status reaches the pre-set time interval,
the DO will automatically be set to OFF. The unit is second.
DI Status Mapping: When “DI Status Mapping” is selected,
the status of the DI channel with the same channel number