ICP DAS WISE User Manual
the FTP server or the Email address for users, or user can actively download
them from the FTP client utility or Web page for further administration
management or data analysis.
Internal Register (Perform Math formula, Retain Variable, String
WISE-2841M provides Internal Registers function; it can be used to hold
temporary variables and perform math operation. About the math formula
performing, it supports to insert I/O channels to be the variables, and use the
operators such as plus“+”, minus“-”, times“*”, divide“/”, superscript“^”, left
parenthesis “(” and right parenthesis“)” to complete the editing of formula. Users
can edit different formula in each Internal Register, then WISE will calculate the
results of all formulas repeatedly, and save the results into the corresponding
Internal Registers for IF-THEN-ELSE rule checking or data logging. Internal
Register also provides "Retain Variable" mechanism. It means the data inside the
Internal Registers can be retained even the WISE is in Power Off status. In
addition, the Internal Register also supports the String editing operation. The
result of the string editing of the Internal Register can be used as the content for
the WISE's E-mail and Instant Message sending functions.
Provide Timer and Schedule operation
WISE-2841M features two kinds of timing functions: Timer and Schedule. It
allows you to perform specific tasks such as time delay, or schedule specific date
or time for control logic execution. To ensure the accuracy of the WISE
controller clock, it also has the ability to sync the clock to an
SNTP time server
for time synchronization through the network.
Provide Email Alarm message sending function
WISE-2841M supports Email alarm message sending function. Email is the
important function for real-time message communication. The sending action can
be added to the logic edition as part of logic control to provide real-time message
transmission in response to specific events. The SSL authentication is provided
by WISE-2841M.
Provide CGI Command Sending and Receiving functions
CGI command function is an important function for real-time message
communication in network environment. WISE-2841M supports fully CGI
command operations as CGI command sending and CGI command receiving.