ICP DAS WISE User Manual
Follow the steps below:
In the “Message” field, specify the message you want to send in
Action from the dropdown list. The content of the selected Bot
Service message will be displayed for you to verify if this is the
message you want to send.
Click “OK” button to confirm the settings and return to the Rule
settings page.
10.2.15 Re-boot System
You can reboot the WISE system when executing a THEN/ELSE Action
statement. The setting page is show as below:
Figure 10-63
Reboot system action setting page
Follow the steps below:
Click “OK” button to confirm the settings and return to the Rule
settings page.
10.2.16 Internal Register
You can modify the value of Internal Register in the THEN/ELSE Action
statement; the editing page for Internal Register Action Setting is shown as
Figure 10-64
Internal Register action setting page
Follow the steps below:
Select the pre-defined Internal Register from the dropdown lists of the
“Source” and “No” field. The “Local” in the “Source” field mean the