ICP DAS WISE User Manual
collect all topics into the “topics.csv” file. The format of the
“topics.csv” file is “The_nickname_of_Topic, Topic message”. Please
refer to the following figure:
Figure 8-26
The Export of MQTT Topic
To use the Topic Import function, please prepare a document with the
same format as “The_nickname_of_Topic, Topic message”. Click the
“+ Import Topic” button, then browse through to select the document
which includes the MQTT Topic and click “Open”. If the format is
correct and the import process is successful, the system will show an
“Import successfully” message box.
After importing the MQTT Topic successfully, there the Imported
Topic list will be shown in the “Topic” field of the Publish & Subscribe
Setting page. The user can select a specific topic from the Imported
Topic list, and click “Use” button to use this imported topic.
Figure 8-27
The Import of MQTT Topic