ICP DAS WISE User Manual
204 AI
AI channel value from ICP DAS I/O Module can be included in the
IF condition statements; the editing page for AI Condition Setting is
shown as below:
Figure 10-7
AI condition setting page
Follow the steps below:
Specify the module and the channel from the dropdown list of
the “Module & Channel” section that you are going to include
its value in the IF condition statements.
Set up the expression statement for this channel value. Select an
operator from “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=” or “<=”.
Specify the evaluation value. If this AI channel value match the
evaluation criteria, the result of this condition evaluation will be
“true”. WISE provides 11 values options; you can compare
them with the AI channel value for condition evaluation. Please
refer to “
” for detail.
In order to avoid signal oscillation that may result in instability
to the measurement of the Analog channel value or system
operations, the user can set up a Deadband value for the Analog
channel to reduce the oscillation effect to the channel value.
The detailed description of Deadband operation is as below:
Figure 10-8
Deadband parameter setting
There are three operation styles for Deadband. The AI Channel
setting in following examples is 0mA ~ 20mA.