ICP DAS WISE User Manual
The IoT Platform Setting function of the WISE allows to build a connection to
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or IBM Bluemix directly. It can also connect
to MQTT Brokers. Based on the IoT Platform Setting function, WISE can publish the
I/O channel data of the Sensors and I/O modules that are connected to WISE to the
IoT Cloud Platform for future data analysis, and receive the command message from
IoT Cloud Platform to trigger the
actions of WISE at the field side.
With the IoT Platform Setting function the WISE provides, it helps users to
implement an IoT system in a easy way.
In additional, WISE supports to connect to the IoT cloud management software:
IoTstar designed by ICP DAS. The supported functions for IoTstar includes
Connection Setting, Real-Time Data Sending Setting, Historical Data Sending Setting,
Video Data Sending Setting, and Bot Service Setting can also be set in this page..
The IoT Platform Setting page includes the following setting options. More detailed
information of these options will be given in the following section.
Amazon Web Services Platform Setting
Microsoft Azure Platform Setting
IBM Bluemix Platform Setting
MQTT Setting
IoTstar relative functions:
Connection Setting
Real-Time Data Sending Setting
Historical Data Sending Setting
Video Data Sending Setting
Bot Service Message Setting