traffic table ip index 8 cir 4096 priority 0 priority-policy local-
Step 3
Create service VLANs.
Create service VLANs 1001-1016 in batches whose type is smart and attribute is common (the
service VLAN IDs must be consistent with the user VLAN IDs of the OLT). Add the service
VLANs to upstream port 0/0/1.
vlan 1001-1016 smart
port vlan 1001-1016 0/0 1
Step 4
Add a service port.
Assume that the VDSL2 path mode is PTM mode, VLAN ID is 1001, port is 0/1/0, packets from
the user VLAN are untagged, and service flow ID is 101. Add a service port as follows:
service-port 101 vlan 1001 vdsl mode ptm 0/1/0 multi-service user-
vlan untagged rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8
Step 5
Configure a VDSL2 line template.
This example uses the default VDSL2 line template (ID: 1).
Step 6
Configure a VDSL2 alarm template.
This example uses the default VDSL2 alarm template (ID: 1).
Step 7
Bind a VDSL2 line template and a VDSL2 alarm template, and activate the VDSL2 port.
For example, bind VDSL2 line template 1 and VDSL2 alarm template 1, and activate VDSL2
port 0/1/0.
interface vdsl 0/1
deactivate 0
alarm-config 0 1
activate 0 template-index 1
----End (Optional) Configuring Vectoring
Vectoring configurations on VDSL2 lines cancel the far-end crosstalk (FEXT) of VDSL2 lines
to improve the line rate.
For MA5623A/MA5616, when configuring vectoring, learn configuration item functions and
configuration methods beforehand by referring to
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
11 FTTB and FTTC Solution Configuration
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.