1.1 Commissioning Introduction
The topic describes the commissioning definition and procedure.
1.1.1 Commissioning Definition
Commissioning refers to the stand-alone commissioning, the interconnection commissioning,
and the maintenance and management commissioning after the hardware installation. This
ensures that the device works in the normal state according to the design specifications.
1.1.2 Commissioning Procedure
This topic describes the procedure for commissioning the device.
Perform the commissioning according to the flowchart.
shows the commissioning procedure.
Figure 1-1
Commissioning procedure
Commissioning Item
The commissioning items in the commissioning procedure are described as follows:
This topic describes the hardware, software, and tool preparations for the commissioning.
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
1 Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.