Appendix A: Login Administration
5495975-1EN Rev.9
© 2013-2017 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Figure A-14
Enterprise Tab
The following configurations can be made on the top box of this tab:
Enable Enterprise Authentication - Whether or not Enterprise users should be able to log in. If this is
unchecked, only local EA3 users will be able to log in. If this is checked, both local users and enter-
prise EA3 users will be able to log in (although the local EA3 user database will always be tried first).
Cache Enterprise Users - Whether or not Enterprise users should be cached once they successfully
login. If this is checked, then a local record of an Enterprise user is kept. If at any time that user
attempts to login again, and for some reason the Enterprise directory server is not available (i.e. net-
work problems), that user will be granted access if they provide the correct password. If this is
unchecked, then an Enterprise user will be denied access in the case that the Enterprise directory
server cannot be reached. Note that hashed passwords are cached, the actual password is not
Enterprise Authentication Latency (Seconds) - The amount of time (in seconds) that the EA3 login pro-
cess should wait for a response from the Enterprise directory server. Often times, there is a network
latency when connecting to servers, and it will be different on different network configurations. If the
amount of time is reached without a response from the directory server, the EA3 login process will
return a failed login. A value of 5 seconds should be enough time to allow a properly configured direc-
tory server to respond, without being too much of an annoyance to the user if the directory server is
down (i.e. they will only have to wait at a maximum 5 seconds for the login attempt to return).