Chapter 11: Image Viewer
5495975-1EN Rev.9
© 2013-2017 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Corrective Actions
If DI values become consistently outside of the acceptable range, the user may consider following cor-
rective actions depending on Image quality and Patient Entrance Dose after confirming that imaging
conditions are appropriate (e.g. collimation and shuttering, unusual body habitus, presence of prosthet-
ics, shielding, AEC):
(A) Image quality and Patient Entrance Dose are acceptable - Adjust ‘Customer Target EI’ in User Prefer-
ence by changing the value in ‘Target EI Adjustment.’
(B) Images are saturated and/or Patient Entrance Dose is higher than expected - Decrease mAs and/or
kV value.
(C) Images quality is poor and/or Patient Entrance Dose is lower than expected - Increase mAs and/or kV
(D) If DI is within the acceptable range, detector entrance dose is expected range but the image quality is
poor, the image may need adjustment through customization of Image Processing Looks.
DI result using Default Target EI should NOT be used as the sole justification factor for
determining X-ray technique.
Exceptions to Corrective Actions
The following conditions may achieve a properly exposed image but still result in divergence from
acceptable DI range. These should be treated as special cases, and no corrective actions may necessary.
(A) The presence of external patient shielding (i.e., lead apron) in the field of view can result in an unex-
pectedly low DI (and EI/CDExp). The presence of shielding can be confirmed by viewing the image.
(B) Non-optimal FOV (field of view) for examined protocol/anatomy can result in deviation from accept-
able DI range. The presence of significant collimation regions or too large collimation can be confirmed
by viewing the image.
User must select the appropriate FOV for the anatomy imaged, and use proper collimation at all