Function blocks
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BC01EQ to BC32EQ: output of the comparison result. Only
valid if the BC..EN enable has been triggered.
Status 0 = Comparison ranges not equal,
Status 1 = Comparison ranges equal
BC01EN to BC32EN: Enable coil of the data block comparator
function block.
Memory requirement of the data block comparator
function block
The data block comparator function block requires 48 bytes of
memory plus 4 bytes per constant on the function block
Function of the data block comparator function block
The data block comparator function block compares two
consistent data blocks.
The comparison is active if the BC..EN (enable) is triggered.
The error outputs E1, E2 and E3 are evaluated regardless of
the status of the enable.
Comparison of marker blocks, definition of marker ranges
Two marker blocks are to be compared. Block 1 starts at
MB10, Block 2 at MB40. Each block is 10 bytes long.
Parameters of BC01 function block:
Comparison range 1:
>I1 MB10
Comparison range 2:
>I2 MB40
Number of bytes:
>NO 10
No data blocks are compared if an error is present.