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Visualization with EZD
Example program 2 – activating message texts with a
timing relay
The program consists of two screens containing message
texts. The screens are activated automatically in succession
in the display. The circuit diagram uses six on-delayed timing
relays T01 to T06 that activate outputs Q1 to Q4 and LE03 in
succession after an elapsed time. This operation is run in a
continuous loop since timing relay T06 resets all timing relays
after a set time.
The screen activation is executed via counter C01. This has
the value 1 as the upper setpoint SH. The counter values 0
and 1 are therefore used as activation values for the two
screens. The resetting of timing relays T01 to T06 by T06
activates counter C01 which then reaches the value 1 and
therefore has already reached its upper setpoint. This then
causes screen 2 to be displayed. The on-delayed timing relay
T08 resets counter C01 back to 0 after the set time (0.8 s) has
elapsed. Screen 1 is then displayed again and timing relay
T08 is no longer activated. This loop is repeated continuously.
Examples Folder:
Files can be found on the EZSoft CD-ROM
in the Examples folder.
Screen 1:
The first screen contains four message text elements. These
are activated in succession via the outputs Q1 to Q4 and
appear in the display.
Screen 2:
The second screen contains one message text element with
one message text.
Start Machine 1
Start Machine 2
Start Machine 3
Start Machine 4