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Visualization with EZD
Screen 1:
The first screen contains four message text elements. These
are activated in succession via the outputs Q1 to Q4 and
appear in the display.
Screen 2:
The second screen contains a message text element with two
message texts. The message texts are activated via counter
values 1 and 2. The first resetting of timing relays T01 to T06
by T06 also activates counter C01 which then reaches the
value 1. The Error message text is then displayed. This
flashes since Flashing was set on the Display change tab and
with function block parameter FB (counter value <= 1).
RESTART is displayed if the counter value of C01 is 2.
Figure 178: Message text as status display
Start Machine 1
Start Machine 2
Start Machine 3
Start Machine 4