If a Fire Occurs
If a fire occurs:
Do not attempt to move machine or continue operations.
Turn starter switch to "O" (OFF) position to stop engine.
Use handrails, guardrails and steps to get off machine.
Immediately call for help or fire station.
When using a fire extinguisher, always aim extinguisher at
base of fire.
If an optional fire extinguishing system is in place, be
familiar with its operating procedures.
Depending on job conditions, other procedures could
be necessary if a fire occurs.
Fire Extinguisher and First-aid Kit
(Emergency Medical Kit)
To be prepared in the event of a fire:
Make sure fire extinguishers are always available and read
labels to know how to use them. It is recommended that an
appropriately sized (2.27 kg [5 lb] or larger) multipurpose
A/B/C fire extinguisher be mounted in cabin. Check and
service fire extinguisher at regular intervals and make sure
that all work site crew members are adequately trained in
its use.
Inspect fire extinguisher and service fire extinguisher
Follow instructions on extinguisher instruction plate.
Keep a first aid kit in storage compartment (Figure 18) and
keep another kit at work site. Check kit periodically and
keep it properly supplied.
Keep emergency numbers for doctor, ambulance service,
hospital and fire department readily available.
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18