DVP15MC11T Operation Manual
The slave axis follows the master axis to make the synchronous cam motion by using the
instruction. In the synchronous cam motion, the corresponding relationship between the
master axis position and slave axis position is based on the pre-planned cam relationship (the cam
curve or cam table). The process in which the slave axis position is calculated through the master
axis position is illustrated as follows.
Ma ste r axis
p osition
Mast er
Abs olute
Mas ter a xis
ca m phas e
Slave axis
c am pha se
S la ve
A bs olu te
Original v alue of
Slav e pos it ion increme nt
F in al value o f
s la ve po sition inc rement
Ca lc ulate slav e
ta rg et pos ition
Slave ax is
posit io n
Mas te r Of fse t
Mas ter S caling
Slav e Off set
S la ve Sc alin g
MasterAbsolute and SlaveAbsolute
parameter is used for specifying the corresponding relationship between the
master axis position and the cam phase. As
is TRUE, the master axis position and the
cam phase are in an absolute relationship. As
is FALSE, the master axis position and
the cam phase are in a relative relationship. For
the explanation is similar to that of
work at the moment when the engagement starts. That is to say that
the corresponding relationship between the axis position and cam phase is built at the beginning of the
engagement. (
The corresponding relationship is not built at the time when the
instruction execution begins but when the engagement begins.) After that, the cam phase is calculated
according to the corresponding relationship.
Relative mode
The master axis position and its cam phase are in the relative relationship as the
parameter is FALSE. That is to say, the master axis position corresponds to its cam phase 0 at the
time when the engagement starts. After that, the master cam phase will be calculated according to
the corresponding relationship. For example, the master axis is in relative mode, the maximum
value of the master axis cam phase in the cam relationship is 360 and the master axis position is
180 at the time when the engagement starts. So the master axis position 180 corresponds its cam
phase 0; the master axis position 200 corresponds to its cam phase 20 (20= (200-180) %360) and
so on.
In this circumstance, the master axis position corresponds to its cam phase as shown in the
following figure.
As the
parameter is FALSE, the slave axis position and its cam phase are in the
relative relationship. That is to say, the slave axis cam phase and the master axis cam phase meet
the planned cam relationship at the time when the engagement starts. If the slave axis is in relative
mode, the method of being sure of the slave axis cam phase is different from the master axis.
When the slave axis cam phase is sure, it should meet the condition that the slave axis cam phase
and the master axis cam phase meet the planned cam relationship at the time when the
engagement starts.
For example, the slave axis is in relative mode, the maximum value of the slave axis cam phase in
the cam relationship is 360 and the slave axis position is 100 at the time when the engagement
starts. If the master axis cam phase is 0 at the moment (and the slave axis cam phase is 0 as
required in the cam relationship), the slave axis position 100 will correspond to its cam phase 0 as
shown in the following circumstance 1. If the slave axis cam phase is 200 as required in the cam
M ast er ax is c am phas e
Mas t er ax is po sit i on
18 0
-1 80
Summary of Contents for DVP15MC11T
Page 9: ...Memo viii...
Page 15: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual _2 MEMO 2 4...
Page 71: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual _7 Memo 7 10...
Page 81: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual _8 Timing Chart F_TRG_CLK F_TRG_Q 8 10...
Page 158: ...Chapter 8 Logic Instructions 8_ The program 1 ASIN EN ENO In Out ASIN_EN ASIN_In Out1 8 87...
Page 249: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual _8 8 178...
Page 285: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual _8 Memo 8 214...
Page 323: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual 10 MEMO 10 34...
Page 549: ...DVP15MC11T Operation Manual A MEMO A 16...