Installing the Operating System Drivers
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: G-CH06.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 12:01 PM
The slot in which the controller is installed does not affect the loading
order; only the order shown in CONFIG.SYS affects the order.
2. Each ADD driver developed by Compaq will order its controllers in
ascending order based on the controller order assigned by the Compaq
System Configuration Utility.
The following set of rules must be followed for the driver to function properly
with other storage controllers configured in the system.
: These rules are NOT automatically enforced by the Compaq System
Configuration Utility. Follow them carefully when configuring the system.
1. All Compaq array controllers should be in consecutive order as a
group. If booting from a Compaq SMART-2DH Array Controller, the
statement, BASEDEV = CPQARRAY.ADD must be present.
2. If a Compaq IAES Controller is the only other controller installed in
the system, since it cannot be primary, the system must boot from the
Compaq SMART-2DH Array Controller (controller order = First).
The following are limitations for OS/2 on any computer system:
Any FAT partition cannot be larger than 2 GB (2048 MB) in size.
It is recommended that you do not exceed 8 GB for an HPFS boot
partition. If you exceed this size it would be possible for the OS/2
system files to end up beyond 8 GB on the disk and this would prevent
the ROM from loading them at boot time.
OS/2 may allow the creation of partitions beyond these specified boundaries,
but you should adhere to these limits to ensure proper functionality.