Running the Array Configuration Utility
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: F-CH05.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 11:38 AM
Before You Begin
During a first-time installation and configuration of the SMART-2DH Array
Controller, you should complete the following tasks:
1. Install the SMART-2DH Array Controller board.
2. Update the system ROM with System ROMPaq.
3. Run Option ROMPaq to update the controller firmware, option ROM,
and drive firmware.
4. Run the System Configuration Utility to verify the controller order
5. Decide which fault-tolerance method and array configuration you want
to use.
Starting the Array Configuration
You can access and start version 1.10 of the Array Configuration Utility in the
following ways: online, system partition, SmartStart and Support Software
CD, and, diskettes.
Accessing Online
If the server you are configuring is running under Windows NT or NetWare,
you can install and run the configuration utility online.
Windows NT
When you install the Windows NT Software Support Diskette (SSD), it
prompts you to insert the second Array Configuration Utility diskette to install
the utility. A program icon is automatically created. Select the icon to run the
Array Configuration Utility. The Windows NT online Array Configuration
Utility requires that at least one logical drive was previously configured while