SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: F-CH05.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 11:38 AM
Create logical drives across the physical
drives in the array
When creating a logical drive, you can select a fault-tolerance (RAID level)
option and provide information regarding the drive size and array accelerator.
1. Select Array A or the Unused Space icon under Array A in the Logical
Configuration View.
2. Click the Create Logical Drive button. A screen similar to the
following figure is displayed.
Figure 5-7.
Create Logical Drive screen
3. In the upper-left area of this screen, click the Distributed Data
Guarding (RAID 5) button.
4. Click the Array Accelerator Enable
5. The Logical Drive Size area shows a graphical representation of the
storage capacity available. To create a single logical drive across this
array, accept the default values. See the section titled “Create Logical
Drive Screen” later in this chapter for a detailed description of this screen.