SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: G-CH06.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 12:01 PM
Installing the Driver
The following steps outline the procedure to install the SMART-2DH
Controller driver on your NetWare/intraNetWare server.
1. Boot the server.
2. From the DOS prompt, copy the CPQDA386.DSK (version 3.10 or
later) or the CPQARRAY.HAM driver file from the \DRV_ARRY
directory on the fourth Novell SSD diskette to the primary DOS
partition on the boot drive in the server. This is where the
NetWare/intraNetWare server files are located, usually drive c:
copy A:\drv_arry\cpqda386.dsk C:\nwserver
3. Edit
STARTUP.NCF file so that the driver loads automatically at
system startup. With any DOS editor, add the following line:
load cpqda386
4. Refer to NetWare/intraNetWare installation documentation for
information about installing and mounting volumes associated with
your new disk subsystem.
Driver installation is complete. If you are using Compaq Insight Manager, see
the following section for information on updating the Insight Agents.
Latest Drivers
The latest drivers for future upgrades may be obtained from the Internet:
World Wide Web Go to
Enter GO COMPAQ or go directly to the Compaq Forum.
America Online
Use the navigation keyword COMPAQ.
Use the JUMP navigation command followed by the
keyword COMPAQ.