SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: M-APPF.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 12:08 PM
8. Turn on the server and run the Compaq System Configuration Utility
(Version 2.35B or later). It can be run from the SmartStart and Support
Software CD, from the System Partition, or from diskettes. This
configuration utility will recognize the SMART-2DH Controller and
allow you to change parameters such as controller order and interrupt
number, if desired. You will not see logical drive information with this
utility since SMART-2DH Controller logical drives are configured
with the new Compaq Array Configuration Utility. Save the
configuration and reboot the server.
If you would like, you can run the Array Configuration Utility to see
the configuration of your logical drive(s), look at fault tolerance level,
and so on. However, this is not necessary since your configuration
information is automatically preserved.
After completing these steps, the upgrade process is complete; you can take
full advantage of the SMART-2DH Array Controller.