Upgrade Guide
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c. Enter the name of the E-QUE card firmware file.
17. The application code downloads to the E-QUE card. When the download is complete, the
E-QUE card reboots.
If when downloading file, T T T T is displayed on the Tera Term serial screen, this indicates a
problem downloading the file. Check the network connection and the IP addresses that were
entered. Also check that the filename has no file extension.
On the Tera Term screen towards the end of the boot sequence messages there will be
a status message that shows a date stamp and version string. Check this string to verify the
firmware version.
Upgrading the E-QUE card (MK2)
You must upgrade the E-QUE card (MK 2) in the following order:
1. E-QUE card application code (using the procedure described in this section).
An MVX upgrade cable is required. The procedure also requires an Ethernet connection
between the E-QUE card and the PC. If the card and the PC are not connected to the
network, they can be connected directly using a crossover Ethernet cable.
9.4 Upgrading the E-QUE card (MK1 and MK2) FPGA with
Requires specialized equipment. For more information about installing and using Xilinx
programming tools, see Appendix J:Xilinx tools
3. E-QUE card (MK2) Boot PROM (if required) (see
9.6 Upgrading the E-QUE card (MK2)
Figure 9-8: E-QUE upgrade
MVX cable connected to the
E-QUE front card.
Ethernet Crossover cable from
PC LAN port
E-QUE rear card LAN connector.