Operator access
i-Vu CCN Pro 4.2
This Functional privilege...
allows an operator to...
Force Normal Non-Critical Alarms
force non-critical alarms to return to normal.
Force Normal Critical Alarms
force critical alarms to return to normal.
Delete Non-Critical Alarms
delete non-critical alarms.
Delete Critical Alarms
delete critical alarms.
Execute Audit Log Report
run the Audit Log Report.
Download Devices
mark equipment for download and initiate a download.
System Shutdown
issue the Shutdown manual command that shuts down i-Vu CCN Pro
Engineer System
log in and make database changes in SiteBuilder.
use the copy, notify, reload, and revert manual commands.
access the navigation tree right-click menus in i-Vu CCN Pro.
Add text in the
field on an equipment's Properties page.
Access Commissioning Tools
Equipment Checkout
Airflow Configuration
Trend, Report, and Graphic categories that require this privilege
Discovery tool
Maintain Graphs and Reports
add, edit, and delete trend graphs and reports.
Maintain Connections
edit Connections page properties.
Remote File Management
access files using a WebDAV utility.
Remote Data Access-SOAP
retrieve i-Vu CCN Pro data through an Enterprise Data Exchange
(SOAP) application.
Do not audit changes made using
SOAP (Web services)
not have his SOAP (Web services) changes recorded in the Audit Log.
Manual Commands/Console
access the manual command dialog box and issue basic manual
Manual Commands/File IO
execute manual commands that access the server's file system.
Manual Commands/Adv Network
execute manual commands that directly access network
Manual Commands/Unrestricted
execute manual commands that bypass all safeguards and may
cause unpredictable results if used incorrectly.
To create a custom privilege
You can assign a privilege to a Graphic, Property, Trend, or Report category so that only operators with that
privilege can access the category. You assign a category privilege on the page where you create or edit
If all the other privileges are too widely used to accomplish the results you want, you can assign one of the
five Access User Category privileges to the operator(s) and category.