Telepermitted equipment only may be connected to the auxiliary telephone port. The auxiliary telephone
port is not specifically designed for 3-wire connected equipment that may not respond to incoming ringing
when attached to this port.
Users in Jordan
This printer contains WLAN Module approved by TRC/LPD/2013/130
Name of WLAN Module : K30357
Only for European Union and EEA (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)
These symbols indicate that this product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, according to
the WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU), the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC) and/or national legislation
implementing those Directives. If a chemical symbol is printed beneath the symbol shown above, in
accordance with the Battery Directive, this indicates that a heavy metal (Hg = Mercury, Cd = Cadmium,
Pb = Lead) is present in this battery or accumulator at a concentration above an applicable threshold
specified in the Battery Directive. This product should be handed over to a designated collection point,
e.g., on an authorized one-for-one basis when you buy a new similar product or to an authorized
collection site for recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and batteries and
accumulators. Improper handling of this type of waste could have a possible impact on the environment
and human health due to potentially hazardous substances that are generally associated with EEE. Your
cooperation in the correct disposal of this product will contribute to the effective usage of natural
resources. For more information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local city office,
waste authority, approved scheme or your household waste disposal service or visit www.canon-
europe.com/weee, or www.canon-europe.com/battery.
Korisnici u Srbiji
Ovaj simbol označava da ovaj proizvod ne sme da se odlaže sa ostalim kućnim otpadom, u skladu sa
WEEE Direktivom (2012/19/EU), Direktivom o baterijama (2006/66/EC) i nacionalnim zakonima. Ukoliko
je ispod gore navedenog simbola odštampan hemijski simbol, u skladu sa Direktivom o baterijama, ovaj
simbol označava da su u ovoj bateriji ili akumulatoru prisutni teški metali (Hg – živa, Cd – kadmijum, Pb -
olovo) u koncentracijama koje premašuju prihvatljivi prag naveden u Direktivi o baterijama. Ovaj proizvod
treba predati određenom centru za prikupljanje, npr. po principu „jedan-za-jedan“ kada kupujete sličan
novi proizvod, ili ovlašćenom centru za prikupljanje za reciklažu istrošene električne i elektronske opreme
(EEE), baterija i akumulatora. Nepravilno rukovanje ovom vrstom otpada može imati negativne posledice
po životnu sredinu i ljudsko zdravlje usled potencijalno opasnih materijala koji se uglavnom vezuju za
EEE. Vaša saradnja na ispravnom odlaganju ovog proizvoda će doprineti efikasnom korišćenju prirodnih
resursa. Više informacija o tome kako možete da reciklirate ovaj proizvod potražite od lokalnih gradskih
vlasti, komunalne službe, odobrenog plana reciklaže ili servisa za odlaganje kućnog otpada, ili posetite
stranicu www.canon-europe.com/weee, ili www.canon-europe.com/battery.
Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals
Summary of Contents for MB5300 series
Page 90: ...90 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...
Page 139: ...139 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...
Page 446: ...Adjusting Intensity Adjusting Contrast 446 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...
Page 533: ...Device user settings 533 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...
Page 566: ...See Two Sided Copying for two sided copying 566 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...
Page 678: ...678 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...
Page 701: ...Related Topic Scanning in Basic Mode 701 Downloaded from ManualsPrinter com Manuals ...