block length of 64 bits. The key length can be between 40 and 128
bits. Alternative names are CAST-128 and CAST5.
A certificate identifies a person, an institution, a device or an applic-
ation. A public key certificate is a digital certificate and it creates a
connection between the identity and a public key. Certificates with
public keys are issued by a certification authority (CA). Certificates
that can no longer be trusted may be revoked using certificate re-
vocation lists (CRLs)
Call Forwarding Busy (CFB) is a performance feature. CFB forwards
callers to a different connection if the connection of the party called
is engaged.
Call Forwarding No Reply (CFNR) is a performance feature. CFNR
forwards callers to a different connection if the call is not taken.
A wireless channel is a frequency band used for wireless LAN.
Devices that send on adjacent channels disrupt one another.
Channel bundling
When channels are bundled, the B channels in an ISDN connection
are combined to increase data throughput.
The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is an au-
thentication protocol for PPP connections. As well as the standard
CHAP, Microsoft also has the variants MS-CHAPv1 and MS-
CHAPv2. You dial into a network via PPP and you authenticate
yourself with a username and password. The username and pass-
word are transmitted encrypted. See also PAP.
A block cipher is an encryption algorithm. In this encryption method,
a data block of a fixed size (normally 64 bit) is rewritten to a block of
the same size using a so-called key. The longer the key, the more
secure the algorithm.
Calling Line Identification (CLID), also known as Caller ID, is used
for authentication. A caller is identified by means of his or her ISDN
extension number before the connection is established.
A client uses the services provided by a server. Clients are usually
See Display caller number (CLIP / CLIR).
CLIP no Screening
See also Display caller number (CLIP / CLIR). With CLIP no Screen-
ing, as well as the normal caller number, another number is also
sent, e. g. the number of the switchboard or a service number. The
bintec elmeg GmbH
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130