7.2.1 Modify system password
All bintec elmeg devices are delivered with the same username and password. So, after
you log into the device for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a secure password.
Please comply with the following rules on secure passwords:
• The password must be at least eight characters long.
• Use characters out of at least three of the following four character groups:
- lower case letters [a-z]
- upper case letters [A-Z]
- numbers [0-9]
- special characters
When the configuration procedure is complete, select the Save configuration button!
Otherwise the new, secure password will be lost when there is a restart.
7.2.2 Network setting (LAN)
If you intend to integrate your device into an existing network infrastructure, select the As-
sistants->First steps->Basic Settings menu for the network settings. For the LAN IP con-
figuration, the Address Mode is set to Static by default, since your system is delivered ex
works with a fixed IP. Enter the necessary IP Address for your device in your LAN and the
associated Netmask. Leave all the other settings and click OK. Save the configuration by
clicking on the Save Configuration button above the menu navigation.
7.2.3 Enter SIP provider
As an option, you may enter SIP providers for external telephone connections. Please note
the description in the online help for the menu VoIP->Settings->SIP Provider->New.
7 Basic configuration
bintec elmeg GmbH
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130