Automatic redialling
If the connection of the called party is engaged, an automatic redial
can be initiated. This notifies the caller as soon as the line is free.
Automatic Route Se-
Automatic route selection can be used to route calls whatever the
number (zone) dialled, via specified providers or bundles.
AUX is a signal input for external devices, e. g. analogue or GSM
B channel
See Basic Rate Interface and Primary Rate Interface.
B channel
See B channel.
B subscriber
The B subscriber is the called party.
Back Route Verify
If a Back Route Verify is activated for an interface, incoming data
packets are only accepted over this interface if outgoing response
packets are routed over the same interface.
Backbone area
The core area of a network which connects all the sub-networks
(areas) with one another is known as the backbone.
Basic Rate Interface
The Basic Rate Interface is a network connection to the ISDN. This
type of connection is often abbreviated to BRI. A basic rate interface
includes two basic channels (B channels) each with 64 kbps and
one control and signalling channel (D channel) with 16 kbps. There
are two operating modes for the Basic Rate Interface: Point-to-point
ISDN and Point-to-multipoint The Primary Rate Interface (PRI) is
used with larger installations.
The central access point sends beacons to create a wireless LAN in
infrastructure mode. These messages contain the network name
(SSID), a list of the supported transmission rates and the type of en-
A binary digit (bit) is the smallest unit of data in computing techno-
logy. Signals are represented in the logical states "0" and "1".
Black / White List
Entries in the Black List are blocked, entries in the White List are al-
lowed through. (Example: Any telephone number beginning with
01234 is blocked in the Black List. The number 01234987 can non-
etheless be approved in the White List.)
Blowfish is an encryption method (see Cipher). Blowfish uses a fixed
block length of 64 bits. The key length can be between 32 and 448
bintec elmeg GmbH
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130