mode and is useful in very small networks, e. g. when linking two
notebooks with no access point.
Asymmetric digital subscriber line. See DSL.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, Rijndael) is an encryption
method (see Cipher). AES uses a fixed block length of 128 bits. The
key length is 128, 192 or 256 bits. AES is a very fast and secure al-
The call centre agent is a member of a call centre.
Aggressive mode
When an IPSec connection is being established, aggressive mode is
used to implement a phase 1 exchange. Aggressive mode offers no
identity protection for negotiating nodes, since they have to transmit
their identity before they can establish a secure channel. See also
Main mode.
The authentication header (AH) is used with IPSec to ensure the au-
thenticity and integrity of the packets transmitted and to authenticate
the sender.
Analogue signals are used to transmit data. They are more suscept-
ible to errors than digital signals.
Analogue terminals
Terminals that transmit voice and other information analogously,
e.g. telephones, fax machines, answering machines and modems.
Performance features can only be used with terminals that dial using
the MFC dialling method and that have an R or flash key.
Annex A
Annex A is a DSL variant which occurs in connection with analogue
telephone connections, e. g. in France.
Annex B
Annex B is a DSL variant which occurs in connection with ISDN, e.
g. in Germany.
Annex J
Annex J is a DSL variant purely for data transmission, with no voice
data (unbundled connection). Annex J is an extension of specifica-
tion G.992. These DSL connections require no splitter and have a
greater range and faster transmission speed.
Annex L
Annex L is an extension of Annex A. The range is increased at the
expense of the data transmission rate.
Annex M
Annex M is an extension of Annex A. The upstream is increased at
the expense of the downstream.
bintec elmeg GmbH
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130