DISA - Direct Inward System Access Once a call is received by the system, the caller
is automatically transferred after a code number is entered. This code is assigned to
an internal number in the system. Entry of a number or code must occur during the an-
nouncement. Once the announcement (Wave file) ends, no more entries are accepted.
There follows redirect to a defined redirect destination. The performance feature Auto
Attendant with DISA is an integral part of the system and can accept up to 28 calls
Fields in the Announcement/Auto Attendant Settings menu.
Call Switching
Select how incoming calls are to be transferred.
Possible values:
:3 >7 : !
(default value): The con-
figured announcement is played. There follows either transfer
to the configured internal number, or the connection is inter-
rupted and the caller hears the busy tone.
! 0 $ :;$-
: The caller is prompted
to enter an internal number. The call is forwarded to the num-
! 0 3 :;$-
: The caller is prompted to
enter a code number from 0 to 9. The desired internal num-
bers are assigned to the codes. The caller is then transferred
to the configured internal number.
Number of playbacks
Select how many times the announcement shall be continuously
repeated. At conclusion, the caller hears the busy tone.
Auto Attendant with
Only if Call Switching =
! 0 3 :;$-
For ever desired DISA code number, select the desired internal
number to which the caller shall be transferred.
17.2.2 Rerouting Applications
In the Applications->Rerouting->Rerouting Applications menu, you can configure when
which redirect option is to be enabled. You can switch the various options either via calen-
dar or manually.
17 Applications
bintec elmeg GmbH
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130