(Layer 3)
Select the Type of Service (TOS).
Possible values:
(default value): The type of service is ignored.
! 5 9$< @:
: Differentiated Services Code Point
according to RFC 3260 is used to signal the priority of IP
packets (indicated in binary format, 6 bit).
! 5 !3 @:
: Differentiated Services Code Point
according to RFC 3260 is used to signal the priority of IP
packets (indicated in decimal format).
! 5 (#3 @:
: Differentiated Services Code
Point according to RFC 3260 is used to signal the priority of
IP packets (indicated in hexadecimal format).
' 9$< @:
: The TOS value is specified in binary
format, e.g. 00111111.
' !3 @:
: The TOS value is specified in decimal
format, e.g. 63.
' (#3 @:
: The TOS value is specified in
hexadecimal format, e.g. 3F.
COS Filter
(802.1p/Layer 2)
Enter the service class of the IP packets (Class of Service,
Possible values are whole numbers between
The default value is
20.4.2 Rule Chains
Rules for IP filters are configured in the Rule Chains menu. These can be created separ-
ately or incorporated in rule chains.
In the Networking->Access Rules->Rule Chains menu, all created filter rules are listed.
bintec elmeg GmbH
20 Networking
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130