injections, all 24 sample data files, including the allelic ladder, are stored in the same
results group folder.
The example below shows one results group; for a full 96-well plate, create three more
with the same settings, but different names, for example, Injection 4 through 6,
Injection 7 through 9, and Injection 10 through 12.
Instrument protocol library
An instrument protocol contains the parameters that control the instrument during
data acquisition. An instrument protocol is a required element of an assay for all
When you create an assay, you add one or more instrument protocols to the assay. If
you add these items from the library, a copy of the items is added to the assay, and can
be modified independently from the original items stored in the library. For
information on how changes are tracked if auditing is enabled, see “Audit action“ on
protocol overview
Chapter 7
Manage library resources
Instrument protocol library
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1