The software identifies a borrowed capillary with an arrow pointing from the
capillary from which the data is borrowed.
Injection 1
• The software evaluates the Quality Value and Condition Number of
all capillaries.
• If all capillaries pass, the calibration is complete, and injections 2
and 3 are not performed.
• If any capillaries fail, the software borrows from an adjacent
• If, after borrowing, >1 or > 3 capillaries fail, injection 2 is
Injection 2
• The software evaluates the quality values between adjacent
capillaries in injection 2 and for each capillary across injections 1
and 2 and uses the information with the highest Quality Value for
each capillary.
• If all capillaries pass, the calibration is complete and injection 3 is
not performed.
• If, after borrowing, >1 or > 3 capillaries from injection 1 or 2 do not
pass, injection 3 is performed.
Injection 3
• The software evaluates the quality values between adjacent
capillaries in injection 3 and for each capillary across injections 1,
2, and 3, then uses the information with the highest Quality Value
for each capillary.
• If all capillaries now pass, the calibration passes.
• If after borrowing, >1 or > 3 capillaries from injection 1, 2, or 3 do
not pass, the calibration fails.
Chapter 6
Run calibrations and install checks
Run a spectral calibration
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1