To add an assay, file name convention, or results group from the library, click Add
from Library at the bottom of the Assign Plate Contents screen.
The 3500 Series Data Collection Software 3.1 allows you to import plate information
from files that you create in an application other than the 3500 Series Data Collection
Software 3.1. To create a template for importing plate information, set up a plate in the
3500 Series Data Collection Software 3.1, then export it to create a file that contains the
correct header and column information for importing:
In the Dashboard, click Create Plate from Template.
In the Open Plate Template from Library dialog box:
Select a filter to display the plate template type of interest.
Select a plate template, then click Open.
Enter a name for the plate, then specify the capillary length and polymer type for
the plate.
Click Assign Plate Contents.
Add assays, file
name conventions,
and results
groups to a plate
Create a plate
import template
Chapter 3
Set up and run
More features in Assign Plate Contents
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1