Select the dye colors to use and set the calibration peak order:
Select the dye colors to use.
The dye colors you select sets the order number of the dye used internally
by the software. Note that when you deselect a dye, the order number of the
dye used internally by the software changes.
• Example 1—With all dyes selected, internal order number is Blue (1),
Green (2), Yellow (3), Red (4), Purple (5), Orange (6).
• Example 2—With the Purple dye deselected, internal order number is
Blue (1), Green (2), Yellow (3), Red (4), Orange (5)—the internal order
number of Orange changes to 5.
• Example 3—With the Blue, Yellow, and Purple dyes deselected, internal
order number is Green (1), Red (2), Orange (3)—the internal order
number of Green changes to 1, Red changes to 2, and Orange changes to
Chapter 7
Manage library resources
Dye sets library
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1