Select Maintenance in the menu bar to access the Maintenance workflow.
The Maintenance workflow contains the screens where you calibrate, run install
checks, run maintenance procedures, and access records about instrument
maintenance and service.
You can click Main Workflow or Dashboard or select any other menu item at any
time to advance from the Maintenance workflow.
The Maintenance workflow is described in Chapter 9, “Maintain the Instrument“.
Click the Library tab at the top left of the screen to access the Library.
The Library contains items that you manage plates, assays, file name conventions, and
results groups that you use to acquire and process data.
You can click Workflow or select Dashboard or any other menu item at any time to
advance from the Library workflow.
Chapter 1
Instrument and software description
Overview of the 3500 Series Data Collection Software 3.1
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1