Click either of the following:
• Create Injection List—Displays the Preview Run screen where you can
modify the injection list before starting the run. Go to “Review and modify
the injection list in Preview Run“ on page 62.
• Start Run—Displays the Monitor Run screen. Go to “Monitor the run“ on
If an install check for the run application type (Sequencing or Fragment)
has not been performed, a message is displayed and the run does not start.
If you access the Load Plates for Run screen from the navigation pane, a plate may
not be linked (indicated by the active Link Plate button).
To link a plate:
Click Link Plate to display the Select Plate from Library dialog box.
Link a plate (if a
plate is not linked)
Chapter 3
Set up and run
Load plates for run and create the injection list
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1